Rabbits can make a cute house pet, but the also live in the wild, if you’ve got one as a pet, read these twenty awesome facts about rabbits.
- The rabbits fall into the category of lagomorphs and not rodents.
- A male rabbit is known as a buck, whilst a female is called a doe.
- The baby rabbits are collectively known as litter.
- The teeth of a rabbit are very strong and they never stop growing.
- There are currently 45 known breeds of rabbits.
- A rabbit can easily live up to 10 years, if properly taken care of.
- The rabbits can make sounds that are very similar to that of a cat.
- Rabbits cannot vomit!
- For assisting in digestion they need hay which helps them to prevent forming of fur balls in stomach.
- A mother rabbit feeds her kids for just about five minutes a day.
- The droppings of a rabbit are widely used as a fertiliser in gardens.
- The meat of a rabbit is not red but white.
- Rabbits easily suffer heat stroke and therefore prefer to live in cool places.
- With their eyes placed wide apart they can easily see behind them.
Read Full Here: https://topfactsite.com/20-fascinating-facts-about-rabbits/
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